4: Integrating e-content into teaching and learning
Aim of module 4
Although there is an abundance of electronic content available, there are challenges that relate to its availability. Knowing which material to choose is the first challenge as there should be justifications for the selection if it is the ideal solution for the teaching and learning solution. Secondly, how best to use the content for the best effect, is the challenge that needs to be addressed. In this module we will focus on how best to broadly support teachers with integrating e-content into their teaching as we address the above mentioned two challenges
- The aim of this module is to acquire expertise in supporting teachers in the identification and integration of e-content into subject teaching and learning.
Module 4 objectives
By the end of this module, participants should:
- Understand what e-content integration entails
- Know how to identify suitable e-content for teaching and learning needs
- Be able to provide examples of e-content and devise ways of integrating them into subject teaching and learning
- Know how to apply these understandings in order to carry out the subject advisor's responsibilities.
Module 4 resources
Review the module 4 resources below.
What is e-content?E-content is the different digital text modes that are designed and presented for learning purposes. They come in different forms e.g. digital books, articles, magazines, videos and other media forms. The presentation of e-content varies depending on the audience, learning outcomes or effects intended.
We will be reviewing the following e-content in this chapter:
- Accessing e-books & resources from the portal
- Using prescribed e-content
- Adapting e-content
- e-lesson plans
- Multi media
- Mindset: available online here
- Accessing e-books & resources from the portal
Activity 4.1
Before we delve into the subject of e-content, using the forum tool below discuss the following points with your peers:
- When should teachers use books, e-books, presentations and multimedia to teach?
- How should the above media be incorporated into the lesson plans?
Post at least one comment and two replies.
Logging into the portaleBooks (which have replaced textbooks) are available on the Matthew Goniwe School of Leadership portal. They can be accessed by following these steps:
- Step 1
- Step 2
Accessing resources in the portal
Activity 4.5 (ePortfolio)
Follow the instructions below for this assignment. Submit your answers by using the assignment submission tool.
- Select an e-lesson plan on a topic which your teachers are currently struggling with
- Modify it in a way that will help the teachers make the content easily understandable by the learners
- Identify e-content that will best help explain the topic. This should include presentation slides
- Embed multimedia into the presentation
- Identify at least five free sites with e-resources for this topic that you can recommend to the teachers as additional resources and justify the benefits of using them.
Use the link below to access the module 4 synchronous meeting. This online meeting will take place at Date | Time. Note: Your attendance is compulsory.