MGSLG. (2020). Module 5 Unit 2
What is a negative feedback mechanism?
It is a process of maintaining a constant internal environment (blood and tissue fluid) within the body. This enables the body to function efficiently, despite changes in the external or internal environment.
The following
changes of the internal environment in the tissue fluid and blood, will affect
the homeostatic balance of the body:
- temperature
- glucose levels
- carbon dioxide levels
- water levels and salt levels
They operate in the human body to detect
changes or imbalances in the internal environment and to restore the balance. General sequence of events in a negative feedback mechanism: 2: Regulation of glucose levels through negative feedback mechanism A flowchart depicting the negative feedback mechanism of glucose levels in the blood: 3: The regulation of carbon dioxide levels in the blood: 4: The regulation of water balance in the blood. Osmoregulation in the blood: Diagram
of the nephron in the kidney with distal convoluted tubule and collecting
tubule: Flow chart depicting the
regulation of water in the blood (osmoregulation): 5: The regulation of salt levels in the blood stream: Flow chart depicting the regulation of salt levels in the blood stream:
1: Regulation of thyroxin levels in the body: