Forum Discussion- Using Smartphones in the classroom

Forum Discussion- Using Smartphones in the classroom

Number of replies: 4

  1. Think about 2 or 3 ways in which you can get your learners to use smartphones in one of your lessons
  2. What are some of the pros and cons for using smartphones?
  3. What are some of the challenges you anticipate with using this device in your classroom? 
  4. How would you suggest overcoming these challenges? 
  5. Now that you have given some thought to the questions share your answers to these questions with your colleagues in this forum. 

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Re: Forum Discussion- Using Smartphones in the classroom

by Sithembele Eric Pibantu -
Some ways in which I can get my learners to use smart phones in one of lessons in class is by preparing a link for a short clip of the concept discussed in class, allow few minutes for the students to go through the clip and then answer questions based on the clip. The second way could be allowing them to use their smart phones to conduct research. One can also create a test on a google form and instruct learners to complete the test on a specific time.

Pros of using is that it is portable and therefore can be used to access information anywhere.

the cons of using a smart phone is the fact that the screen is small, there's limited space hence working with large information could be a challenge.
Anticipated challenges of using this device in class is that learners could be destructed and begin to other things that focusing on the given task. if it is used for writing a test, they can use it to get answers from the internet. not every learner could be own a smart phone, some learners may not have data to connect to the internet for them to be able to conduct their research.

Constant monitoring to ensure that learners are using their smart phones for the intended purpose is necessary. provision of data and devices for learners who may not have.
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Re: Forum Discussion- Using Smartphones in the classroom

by Mukelani Elia Baloyi -
Ways to get my learners use smart phones in classroom is by answering quizzes through google forms about the topic in class. Secondly, they can use their smart phones to search for examples of the topic on goggle. Lastly, they can use goggle classroom to complete class activities or homework at home and there I can keep track of their performance.
Disadvantage is that not every learner owns a smartphone, hence they might not have equal access as others. And the issue of mobile data can be a hindrance because some schools does not have WIFI available to learners. Lastly, some learners may use advantage of using smartphone during contact time to do their things online.
However, advantage may be that learners get exposure to the digital world of resources, get to manage as well as to work on the digital space, and that it is convenient for the teacher to monitor and keep track of the classwork and participation remotely especially for those working through Learners Management Systems. For this to effectively work, educators need to constantly monitor learners throughout the lesson.
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Re: Forum Discussion- Using Smartphones in the classroom

Using smartphones in the classroom

Some ways I use them for teaching and learning
1. Developing Pre and post tests
Getting learners to completed a test before and after a topic has been taught.
2. Doing research
Learners have to do research on specific topics and then develop a PowerPoint presentation which they can print out and submit in class.
3. Interacting on social media
Some learners a scared to approach the teacher, so using WhatsApp groups , to communicate work, videos and so much more that learners can use to enhance learning and secondly having one on one sessions with learners struggling to grasp certain content.
4. Developing learning videos
Learners demonstrate a topic by role playing this topic and then linking the video to the lesson and demonstrating this to everyone in class.
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Re: Forum Discussion- Using Smartphones in the classroom

by Tanya Roosenschoon -
It is a good idea when we can manage the situation. Learners get distracted with the information on the phone and will become tempted to have the phone on them all the time. It is a risk.