2: What is ICT pedagogical integration?
Aim of module 2
The aim of this module is to ensure that the participants understand what ICT pedagogical integration is to the extent that it can be clearly explained by each participant.
Module 2 objectives
By the end of this module, participants should be able to:
- Clearly explain what is meant by pedagogical ICT integration
- Understand and describe how this integration takes place
- Relate acquired understanding about ICT pedagogical integration to teaching and learning
- Apply these understandings in order to carry out the subject advisor's responsibilities.
Module 2 resources
Review the module 2 resources below.
Individual activity: 2.1- Open the MS Word document below
- For each technology listed, insert your comments on that item's affordability and how you would incorporate it into your teaching
- Save the document as your full name & activity 2.1 e.g. John_Smith_Activity 2.1
- Use the assignment submission tool to upload your document.
What is pedagogy?When you use these technologies to do your work, you are integrating it into what you are doing. What is of interest in this module is what we do when we integrate ICTs pedagogically. Before we engage in that, we need to understand what pedagogy is, as it is that which exists before the integration takes place.
Beetham and Sharpe (2013:2) describes pedagogy as “guidance-to-learn: learning in the context of teaching, and teaching that has learning as its goalâ€. This view gives the image of a classroom where there are learners and a teacher guiding them in the learning process. Remember, learning takes place anywhere, any time and anyhow, but in this case, the teacher is there, teaching to achieve a particular goal. If that is so, what the teacher does in the learning environment determines what the outcome will be.
But, is it just the teacher that makes learning happen in the classroom?
Forum discussion: Activity 2.2
Using the forum tool below, discuss with your colleagues, the following two questions:
- WHO makes learning happen in the classroom?
- WHAT makes learning happen in the classroom?
Post at least one comment and two replies per question. Each question is a separate thread.
ePortfolio: Activity 2.3Read through the descriptions in the MS Word document below and write what you think the pedagogical value is in the use of digital technology. Should you not see any teaching and learning value, say this and justify your response based on your understanding of what ICT integration is. On the last row, describe a lesson which you observed.
Submit your findings by using the assignment submission tool below.
Forum discussion: Activity 2.4Use the forum tool below to discuss the following with your peers:
- Share your evaluation of each of the ICT uses
- As a class, determine what it is that should determine ICT use that is of value to teaching and learning.
Post at least one comment and two replies per topic.
Use the link below to access the module 2 synchronous meeting. This online meeting will take place at Date | Time. Note: Your attendance is compulsory.