Student-centric Learning Environments

Student-centric Learning Environments

Student-centric Learning Environments

Number of replies: 1

Use this forum to interact with both your peers and the unit facilitator. Describe either a student-centric lesson you organised previously, or one you plan to organise now that you have finished the unit. Also look back at previous forum posts for additional idea about how you might do this.

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Re: Student-centric Learning Environments

by Deleted user -
When dealing with student-centered learning we need to take into account that we as teachers in the past spoon-fed our learners a lot and we did not always give them the change to use their knowledge as best they could now with student-based learning they need to work a bit by and for themselves and we need to facilitate that learning process at first it will be hard but they will adapt soon. In CAT we have a PAT they need to do and they need to research certain things and compile documents according to the research and the different software packages they used to them it is a challenge because they need to read the document from the department and then implement what they asked so now I am going to facilitate in that so they can read for themselves and then try and do it by themselves and when they struggle I will facilitate and help only what is needed and not give them specific answers and guidelines.