Ongoing developmental checklist: 4 - 7 months

Development risk factors (4 - 7 months)

  • Seems very stiff, tight muscles
  • Seems very floppy, like a rag doll
  • Shows no affection for the person who cares for them
  • Doesn’t seem to enjoy being around people
  • One or both eyes consistently turn in or out
  • Persistent tearing, eye drainage, or sensitivity to light
  • Does not respond to sounds around them
  • Has difficulty getting objects to mouth
  • Does not turn head to locate sounds by 4 months
  • Doesn’t roll over (stomach to back) by 6 months
  • Cannot sit with help by 6 months (not by themselves)
  • Does not laugh or make squealing sounds by 5 months
  • Does not actively reach for objects by 6 months
  • Does not follow objects with both eyes
  • Does not bear some weight on legs by 5 months.

Last modified: Tuesday, 20 April 2021, 2:00 PM