Topic outline
This online synchronous meeting will take place on Date | Time. Attendance is compulsory.
Programme overview
Welcome to this learning programme that will lead you to a greater understanding of:
- Preparing Early Childhood Development programmes with support
- Developing learning programmes to enhance participation of learners with special needs
- Designing activities to support the development of babies, toddlers and young children
- Representing, analysing and calculating shape and motion in 2- and 3-dimensional space in different contexts.
As you work your way through the learning programme, you will gain competence against the following unit standards:Click on the link below to find out further information on this learning programme:
- Which persons this learning programme is intended for
- The entry level requirements
- Programme outcomes
- Assessments
- Learning map (delivery structure)
- Learner support.
Programme resourcesPortfolio of Evidence (PoE) Instructions??????
As mentioned in your study guides, there are two types of assessments present in each module:
- Formative assessments
- These assessments take the form of activities which are required to be completed throughout each unit of study
- All the module's activities must be completed in this module's learner workbook
- Use this same learner workbook through the entirety of the module
- Save your learner workbook in the following format: Module 3 Learner Workbook_Full name
- At the end of the module, you will receive instructions on how to submit your learner workbook into your ePortfolio
- Each module of study will have their own unique learner workbook
- Summative assessment: this takes the form of knowledge questions, a practical activity and project at the end of each module
- Detailed instructions will be provided on how to submit your summative assessment at the end of the module.
Checklists are required to be completed throughout the progress of this module of study. You may complete these checklists in your relevant guide / workbook for your own records but online versions of these checklists are available for both the learner and the supervisors / facilitator including the facility for electronic sign off by all relevant parties. These links will be made available at the end of each module
1: Analyse the context of ECD programmes
Learning outcomes
After completing this learning unit, you will be able to analyse the context of ECD programmes. You will be able to:
- Ensure that the analysis clearly identifies the developmental stages and particular needs of all the children within the given context
- Ensure that the analysis is informed by Early Childhood Development (ECD)-related frameworks
- Ensure that the analysis identifies the key factors that could have an impact on the programme
- Ensure that the analysis is informed by previous evaluations of activities, and assessments of children
- Ensure that the analysis is sufficient in scope and depth to inform the development of the programme.
Unit 1 study materials
Included below is a study guide in PDF format as well as an online study guide. The study guides contain the same information as that contained in the module guide, but the information is just relevant to unit 1.
Additional study resources
Click on the links below to view additional resources relevant to this unit of study.
Activity 1: Analysis of child development and related activities
In your learner workbook, complete the following activity individually:
- Activity 1 on page 3 of your learner workbook
- Ensure that you save your learner workbook in the following format: Module 3 Learner Workbook_Full name
- This workbook will be used throughout module three.
2: Design activities for ECD programmes
This online synchronous meeting will take place on Date | Time. Attendance is compulsory.
Learning outcomes
After completing this learning unit, you will be able to design activities for ECD programmes. You will be able to:
- Identify activities to support the development of babies, toddlers and young children
- Design the activities.
Unit 2 study materials
Included below is a study guide in PDF format as well as an online study guide. The study guides contain the same information as that contained in the module guide, but the information is just relevant to unit 2.
Additional study resources
Click on the links below to view additional resources relevant to this unit of study.
Activity 2: Analysis takes into account a variety of needs
In your learner workbook, complete the following activity individually:
- Activity 2 on page 8 of your learner workbook.
3: Prepare an ECD programme
This online synchronous meeting will take place on Date | Time. Attendance is compulsory.
Learning outcomes
After completing this learning unit, you will be able to prepare an ECD programme. You will be able to:
- Ensure that the programme sufficiently addresses the developmental stages and particular needs of the children as revealed by the analysis
- Ensure that the programme provides flexible options for implementation
- Ensure that the programme specifies the sequence, timing and main resource requirements of the planned activities, including opportunities for assessment
- Ensure that the programme provides a balance of developmentally appropriate activities to support the development of all the children
- Ensure that the programme provides a balance between indoor and outdoor activities and individual, small and large group activities to support the development of the children
- Ensure that the balance between such activities, particularly between individual and group activities is appropriate to the developmental stages of the children
- Ensure that the programme can be implemented in the given context and within available resources
- Ensure that the programme complies with relevant national policies and guidelines
- Develop learning programmes to enhance participation of learners with special needs.
Unit 3 study materials
Included below is a study guide in PDF format as well as an online study guide. The study guides contain the same information as that contained in the module guide, but the information is just relevant to unit 3.
Additional study resources
Click on the links below to view additional resources relevant to this unit of study.
Activity 3: Identify activities to support the development of babies, toddlers and young children
In your learner workbook, complete the following activity individually:
- Activity 3 on page 12 of your learner workbook.
4: Reflect on the ECD programme
This online synchronous meeting will take place on Date | Time. Attendance is compulsory.
Learning outcomes
After completing this learning unit, you will:
- Have reflected on the ECD programme
- Be able to evaluate the design of activities.
Unit 4 study materials
Included below is a study guide in PDF format as well as an online study guide. The study guides contain the same information as that contained in the module guide, but the information is just relevant to unit 4.
Additional study resources
Click on the link below to view an additional resource relevant to this unit of study.
Activities 4 - 11: Design activities for ECD programmes
In your learner workbook, complete activities 4 - 11 individually. These activities start on page 16 of your learner workbook.
Submission instructions
- Ensure that you have saved your learner workbook in the following format: Module 3 Learner Workbook_Full name
- Complete the Reflection document below
- Save your reflection in the following format: Module 3 Reflection_Full name
- Submit your workbook and reflection by following the instructions in the submission tool.
Facilitator observation checklist
Your facilitator will provide feedback on the participation of each learner in this module by accessing the online checklist below. Each learner is required to electronically sign the online document to confirm that he / she has received the observation feedback.
References and further readings
- Armecin, G; Behrman, JR; et al. (2006): Early Childhood Development through an integrated Program: Evidence from the Philippines. World Bank, Impact evaluation series; no. IE 2 Policy, Research working paper; no. WPS 3922
- Cantwell, N. (2006): Children without parental care: Qualitative alternatives, Early Childhood Matters 105, Bernard van Leer Foundation
- Early Childhood Care and Development Group (2002): Early Childhood Indicators, Coordinator’s Notebook Issue 25
- Early Childhood Care and Development Group (2002): HIV/AIDS and Early Childhood, Coordinator’s Notebook Issue 26
- Orrego, M.E. (1994) Life is difficult - Let’s play first! Celebrations as a vehicle building family and community life, Zero to Three bulletin Vol 14
- Richter, L. (2004): The impact of HIV/AIDS on the development of children, Published in Monograph no 109, Dec 2004 A Generation at risk? HIV/AIDS vulnerable children and security in South Africa
- Sherr, L. (2005): HIV and young children: An annotated bibliography on psychosocial perspectives, Working papers in Early Childhood Development: Young child and HIV/AIDS sub-series 34, Bernard van Leer Foundation
- Shonkoff, J.P. (2004): Science, Policy, and the Young Developing Child, Closing the Gap Between What We Know, Published by Ounce of Prevention Fund
- World Health Organisation (1999): A critical link: interventions for physical growth and psychological development
- Collaborative Action Research Working together for improvement, Australian Council for Educational Administration and NSW Department of School Education (1996)
- Ferrance, Eileen, (2000) Action research, Northeast and Islands Regional Educational Laboratory at Brown University
- Hughes, Ian, (2004) Action Research Electronic Reader, The University of Sydney, Sydney
- Mertler, C.A. and Charles, C.M., (2008) Introduction to education research, 6th Edition, Allyn and Bacon, Boston, Mass
- Mills, Geoffrey. E., (2007) Action research: a guide for the teacher researcher, Pearson Education, USA.
Summative assessment
Individually, complete the following summative assessment activities and submit these as part of your PoE:
Knowledge questions
In the submission tool below is a Word document which contains the questions for this section of the summative assessment. Answer these questions by typing in the answer boxes provided. Submission instructions are included.
Practical activities
- Details of the required practical activities are included on pages 49 - 51 of the learner PoE guide
- To summarise, you are required to:
- Design a more effective classroom space within which your learners can work and play
- Take a photo or draw a simple diagram of your current classroom space
- Draw a shape, to scale, to best resemble the physical dimensions of the available office space (floor plan)
- Include 2D and 3D shapes on the floor plan
- Arrange your classroom according to the floor plan
- Reflection: Floor plan
- Reflect on the floor
- Write a short report indicating the strengths and weaknesses of the plan
- Indicate what you can move around to maximise work efficiency and learner development / needs
- Prepare ECD programmes: including designing activities and preparing resources to support the development of babies, toddlers and young children. Complete the following workplace tasks (the documentation in Appendix A may be of assistance):
- Analyse the learning and developmental needs of the children in your class
- Select a theme and prepare a 4 week programme
- Design appropriate activities for 5 days
- Use the 2 toys you created in class or create 2 new ones if you prefer and adapt them to accommodate your new them. Submit your toys (photos) as evidence
- Reflect: Evaluate the programme, design of activities and the use and effectiveness of resources
- Complete the online evaluation forms to ensure that your reflection above is sufficient
- Complete your practical activity checklist online
- Request your supervisor to complete the 'Witness testimony' questionnaire online
- Complete your logbook online
- Once you have completed all the assessment activities, request your supervisor to check that you have indeed completed all the required activities and that they have been placed in your PoE in the order which appears in the assessment activities checklist. The supervisor is able to complete this checklist online by clicking on the link below.
Click on the link below to view a list of relevant terms and their definitions.
Online checklists - MOVE ONTO MG SERVER!!!!
Learners, and their supervisors, are required to complete the following online checklists:
Summative activities: submission instructions
You are required to submit the following:
- Your current classroom space (Save in the following format: Module 3 photo A_Full name or Module 3 diagram A_Full name)
- Floor plan: including 2D and 3D shapes (Save in the following format: Module 3 Floor plan_Full name)
- Take a photo of your classroom according to your revised floor plan (Module 3 photo B_Full name or Module 3 diagram B_Full name)
- Your one page reflection report including the strengths and weaknesses of your floor plan and what can be re-arranged (Save your reflection report in the following format: Module 3 Floor plan reflection_Full name)
- Your ECD programme:
- Analyse the needs of the children in your class
- Select a theme for the 4 week programme
- Design activities for 5 days
- Save steps 1 - 3 of your ECD programme in a document called: Module 3 ECD programme_Full name)
- Use or create 2 toys - submit photos of these toys as evidence. Save your photos in the following format: Module 3 Toy 1_Full name and Module 3 Toy 2_Full name
- ECD programme reflection: reflect and evaluate on your programme, activities and use/effectiveness of the resource. Save your reflection report in the following format: Module 3 ECD programme reflection_Full name
Before submitting your findings, complete the evaluation forms below to ensure that your reflection is sufficient.Submit your activities by following the submission instructions in the relevant tool below.
Appendix A: Ongoing developmental checklists
Appendix BAppendix C