Ensuring Online Presence

Ensuring Online Presence

Ensuring Online Presence

Number of replies: 2

Ghirardini identifies a 'Kick Off Event' and 'Pre-course Learning Activity' as good ways to start developing the 'Continual Presence'. What can we do before the MGSLG Teachers ICT Integration Course starts to ensure the facilitator will have a 'Continuous Presence'? Click 'Reply' below to discuss this issue as a group.

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Re: Ensuring Online Presence

by Ntombikayise Mhlanga -
to ensure that a facilitator has a continual presence we can ensure that a facilitator is available throughout the day and constantly interacts with the educators on the platform. Responding to their questions promptly and guiding them when needed to be
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Re: Ensuring Online Presence

by Dineo Baloi -
What could be done before the MGSLG Teachers ICT Integration Course starts should firstly be for facilitators to introduce themselves online through a welcoming video which details who they are and their availability. This could be done to break the ice and to put the audience at ease ensuring them that the online facilitator is indeed present on an online platform.